by iamcrabstix | Dec 3, 2016 | general parenting
Thank you to the lovely Nicola at Mummytodex for sharing the # RockingMotherhood tag with me. I have decided to take part as Nic is so kind as to have sent me a few things now and I’m a bit scared she’s going to stop if I don’t stop being lazy! . I have listed the rules and shared the ten things I believe make me a good mother, below. I hope that those of you who have been tagged will take part and and continue the tag.
RockingMotherhood Rules
- Thank the blogger that tagged you and link to their blog.
- List 10 things you believe make you a good mother (this is just a guideline. It can be more or less than 10. I really don’t mind.)
- Tag 3 – 5 bloggers to join in the #RockingMotherhood Tag.
- Grab the #RockingMotherhood badge and add it to your post or sidebar.
Things that make me a good mother
- I want my baby to grow up to be a citizen of the world. I will not be selfish and try to keep him close. I will allow him to travel and experience different cultures at the earliest opportunity.
- My baby laughing or smiling is the most important thing in the world to me right now. The house may be a tip, but he has a smile on his face.
- He teaches me how to be a better person. I’m a much better person for being a mother both mentally and spiritually. I’m learning just as much from him as he is learning from me, we are growing together (him in height, me width ways)
- I don’t mind making an idiot of myself to hopefully show my baby that life should be fun. Singing and dancing down the aisles of Sainsbury’s may get some funny looks, but if he’s smiling I don’t care. I don’t want him to think life has to be serious for a very long time yet.
- I picked him the best father he could possibly get. Kind, humble, intelligent, good looking with a heart as big as a country. With genes like that, this baby will go far.
- Having experienced pregnancy loss, I will try to never take being a mum for granted. I will be forever grateful and eternally terrified that something will go wrong as I am not sure what I have done to be so lucky, but having experienced the lowest of low, this is the highest of highs, and I constantly tell myself that I am the luckiest person in the world. My life has totally changed in just over three years and I am happier than I ever thought was possible.
I am tagging:
Liska at New Mum Online
by iamcrabstix | Nov 5, 2016 | general parenting
I literally couldn’t describe how I felt after I gave birth. The adrenaline and tiredness was all too much. So when my sister-in-law asked me how I felt, I simply took a few photographs.
At the time I couldn’t bear anyone to look at them, but now almost five months on, I think it is hilarious… so here we go!
This is how I felt just as they were weighing RLT and doing his checks.
I think this was a realisation that ‘wow, i’m a parent now…’
by iamcrabstix | Nov 2, 2016 | general parenting, rlt
Four month sleep regression has hit us! After sleeping through 7.30-2am only waking for dummy to be put back in before going off again at 5.30am from around 10 weeks, we seem to have reverted back to needing 1 or 2 night feeds again.
He has a quiet sleep zone, a bedtime routine yet he no longer sleeps through
I’ve read so much on the subject, so understand that how he sleeps is changing but my concern is the sleep association that he has with feeding and when the time comes how to stop this association (i feel he’s too small at the moment).
I have seen a lot of advice to let babies cry and they will soon stop waking up – very sorry to anyone that has done this but I am just not prepared to try this.
At the moment I am going to feed him on demand during the night in the hope that his is something he grows out of. The clocks going back won’t have helped either!
Does anyone have any advice on what they did to crack the four month sleep regression?
by iamcrabstix | Nov 2, 2016 | general parenting, rlt
RLT’s first Halloween saw his cousins come round to trick or treat.
Tried to dress him up as Pubert Addams but he was a wriggly little worm – I saw another mum had done this more successfully than I, and she used hair chalk – will try again next year when he is a little less newborn and I am feeling a bit more confident about applying things to his skin/hair. He still managed to make it into The Hartlepool Mail’s Halloween readers roundup – which was great for the cat as it meant that she didn’t have to get dressed up this year – when your dad is the head of digital for a few daily newspapers, dressing up to lead campaigns is something you get used to!
I took a polaroid of RLT, M & T together to put in his memory box for his first halloween. By the time his cousins visited, he was dressed in his second outfit of the day – as little Frankenstein, a gift from my mum, which she picked up at the local Tesco.
by iamcrabstix | Oct 31, 2016 | general parenting, rlt
Rolling! So at day 135 on this earth, RLT decided it was time to roll over. Fortunately, I managed to capture the first time on video!
Quite a nice end to his daddy’s week at home. I was very pleased he did it while his dad was at home, the less moments we miss due to working life, the better (I’m dreading getting the call from my mum when he walks and I’m at work, as I go back when he is eight and a half months old! But at least he’ll be with mum and his cousin Ted who will praise him).
He rolled a few times late afternoon, but soon tired himself out. I didn’t expect him to be rolling so soon, the information I’ve seen said it can happen as early as 4 months, but I always thought boys were a little late to the party on most developmental milestones. But nope 4 and a half months and here he is rolling around on the rug!
This morning (the day after he first did it) he has been unstoppable! It is like something just clicked. Absolute madness to think 24 hours ago he couldn’t do it!
by iamcrabstix | Oct 30, 2016 | general parenting, orla kiely
Grocompany – a company five months ago that I’d never heard of, but now can’t live without!
We first had two grosnugs for our little one – born in June, these were ideal and made him feel like he was having a little cuddle – was he heck having his arms fastened in though! I can’t for the life of me find a picture in either the grey one or the white spotty one!
Looking for a nightlight proved impossible too but thankfully I noticed the gro logo and purchased after wasting money on two cheaper ones which were neither use nor ornament! It works off the main light switch and fits over the top of the light bulb! Basically press the switch once for nightlight, press twice for ordinary light. It’s great, such a help for night feeds and changes, it’s light enough to see what you’re doing but dark enough that it doesn’t disturb the little one. We tried 2 of the ones that fit in plugs, one was too light, one too dark – so this is like baby bear’s porridge of nightlights to us!
By about two months old, RLT got a bit long for the grosnugs so we moved him in to the grobags – and we’ve never looked back!
As soon as he is in them, whether it is naptime during the day or night time, he knows it is time to go sleep! We have a mixture of side zip ones, front zip ones and ones with travel features – which are great for early morning trips to train station with daddy. We had one given by friends, but the others we have purchased from TK Maxx, Smythes Toy Store and Mothercare – they seem to be the go-to company for sleep bags.
Now grocompany have teamed up with Orla Kiely, I don’t think our association with this company will be ending anytime soon! We’ve already purchased the OK apples in next size up – RLT has boats in his current age.
I’m a massive Orla Kiely enthusiast, my cat is even called Orla Kitty! My clothes are OK, wallpapers are OK, RLT’s cotbedding is OK, if she designs it, we probably have it!