There are currently record numbers of children in care and around 13% of the foster carer workforce retiring or leaving every year. The Fostering Network estimates that fostering services across the UK need to recruit at least a further 8,600 foster families in the next 12 months alone. There is a particular need for foster carers to look after teenagers and sibling groups.
I have recently supported one of my very best friends to become a foster carer, by providing a reference and she was approved. She has a lot of love to give, time and stable home life. I couldn’t be prouder of her.
UK Fostering NE supports fostering families in their care of vulnerable children and young people that are not able to currently live at home and are often needing additional support and understanding. The friendly and professional team is based in Sunderland and covers Tyne and Wear; County Durham and Northumberland; as well as parts of the Teesside area in North Yorkshire.
There are many routes to Foster in this country, which is confusing in itself. But they must be inspected by Ofsted, like schools and colleges, so this can give an indication of how to find a good one. So check out Ofsted ratings if you would like to look into the possibility of fostering.