Living Arrows Week 50/52

Living Arrows

I am taking part in Donna from What the Redhead Said‘s Living Arrows – which is a celebration of childhood!

We could all do with a little more celebration in our lives!

To quote Donna, “The project originally took it’s name from a poem by Kahlil Gibran,

“You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth”

and every Monday we share a moment from our week and invite others to do the same as part of this linky.”




Week 50

So I didn’t realise my last two updates didn’t publish as I was in Cuba with limited wifi….

We got engaged last week on the beach in Cuba, so before we left on Friday we did a little family photo on the beach as RLT had a special tshirt made but didn’t quite feel like posing at the time! Kids, ey! 🙂

He wasn’t too in to it the second time to be honest, but we managed to get one where he was looking at the camera! Now back to reality and trying to get baby off Cuban time! He was doing the Hokey Cokey on the bed at 12am! I didn’t even know he’d taken the Hokey Cokey in at the mini disco! Funny little man! 🙂