I am taking part in Donna from What the Redhead Said’s Living Arrows – which is a celebration of childhood!

We could all do with a little more celebration in our lives!

To quote Donna, “The project originally took its name from a poem by Kahlil Gibran,

“You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth” and every Monday we share a moment (or a few!) from our week which captures a moment of childhood

Week 9

I have never been so glad to see the back of a week, as I was with last week!

On Monday, we had snow – lots of the stuff. As my other half’s company had needed repairs, which is never straightforward; we had a car which needed new brake pads and discs, so he took mine to work and we were stuck in the house! As you can see we tried to make the most of it.

That night, Little E wouldn’t settle and he was boiling hot.

We had a playdate organised with a friend and their little one has type 1 diabetes, so I decided to take little man to my mum’s, a mile away, to ensure my friends little boy wasn’t compromised by E’s fever.

Unfortunately in the two hours he was at my mum’s he got worse and he had a seizure.

My mum called and told me to come round immediately, I still had no car, so R and I ran there as fast as I could, to be greeted by an ambulance. Thankfully he was conscious again, but shaking like a leaf.

We spend the rest of the day and evening in A&E and the paediatrics ward whilst he was monitored. They couldn’t find a source of infection and he was refusing to wee, so they sent us home with packs to do a urine test at home.

Thankfully that came back clear, so they’ve said it’s just viral and we have to ride it out. We’ve never had any worries with the little one health-wise, so this has really shocked me. He’s not left the house in 6 days; if only I could keep him inside until Spring!

So hoping my next update is a bit more of a positive one as he is looking and feeling better by the day!

Living Arrows