NewcastleWorld | The Best of Newcastle
NewcastleWorld is a new news site worth looking at for the latest news from Newcastle!
Foster Carers Needed in the North East
There are currently record numbers of children in care and around 13% of the foster carer workforce retiring or leaving every year. The Fostering Network estimates that fostering services across the UK need to recruit at least a further 8,600 foster families in the...
Keeping the car clean when you have kids
Whilst having kids is great, there is one thing that you will quickly realise as a parent. Kids are messy, and this mess isn’t just resigned to your home; it can appear anywhere you have your children with you. Pexels - CCO Licence This even means that you can...
4 important checks to make before a family road trip
Going on a family road trip is easily one of the best ways to travel. If you are keen to do this at some point in the near future, you are going to want to make sure that you are truly ready for it. In order to ensure that, there are a few key checks that you might...
How To Ensure A Healthier Family Home
As parents, there is much we can do to care for the health and well-being of our children. From encouraging them to exercise with a few healthy hobbies to making all the necessary health checkups, we can make sure they are well looked after. For the context of this...
Raby Castle saved Christmas
Christmas 2020 was an emotional rollercoaster. Having something to look forward to as the world opened up again was high on our agenda, and the tickets for Christmas at Raby Castle happily coincided with that dream when the email arrived in early September. We don't...
Parenting in County Durham