Blogtober | Joke
What do you call a French man’s shoe?
Felippe Floppe
What do you call a one-eyed dinosaur?
What do you call a French man’s shoe?
Felippe Floppe
What do you call a one-eyed dinosaur?
OHHHHHHHH my favourite subject is HOLIDAYS!
I love to travel, I have been to places such as:
South Africa
I have been extremely fortunate and this is one thing that I will encourage in my little one – seeing the world is a wonderful thing. Although it feels very, very messed up around now. So much fighting over oil and religion, it really is a terrifying time to be alive. But we are as likely to be caught up in an attack at home as we are away at the moment, the west is incredibly vulnerable and it makes me fear so much for my little one.
I’ve been to Egypt a few times, when I went to Cairo, politican elections were on, tanks were guarding the Egyptian museum and I didn’t appreciate the magnitude of the problem until poling stations were bombed the day after we visited and the jeeps flying around the roads with the Muslim Brotherhood hanging out of the back of them with guns. Pretty sad that many probably won’t visit Egypt anymore because of all of the unrest, the pyramids are amazing – but again guarded by people with machine guns, I myself would never go again for a long time.
I literally only have a few goals in life – to be happy and stop giving a shit about what others think of me!
I’m full of self-doubt, I am so paranoid about others criticising me and hating me that it prays on my mind constantly. I try to only be happy and smiley around my little one – I feel that he has long enough as an adult that if I can shield him from all of the poo now, then he can stay an innocent child longer.
Hmmmm flowers, this could be the shortest post in history.
I’m not a massive fan.
I refused to wear clothes with them on when I was a kid and I cannot stand the smell of them now.
However when I look into the garden and see them, I can appreciate them…. just nowhere near me so that I can smell them! We have quite a large rockery in our garden, so there are plenty of flowers for the little man to behead in there!
My life is surrounded by education – I work in a college!
Education really is one of the best things we can get in life and I really wish I had better advice and guidance when I was younger, as I probably wouldn’t have made the same decisions as I did.
Decision error number 1 – Picking A-Levels
I’m not great at exams, I find it difficult to focus enough to retain the information – I definitely should have taken a vocational route. At the time, they were seen as qualifications for the stupid – GNVQ students being regarded to be studying for qualifications which would give them a qual which stands for ‘Generally Not Very Qualified’ and it is incredibly sad.
I struggled with A-Levels so much. My grades were rubbish, this will stay with me on my CV for life and these grades made university entry incredibly difficult.
Decision error number 2 – Following a boy to university
I studied in Leeds. My grades were rubbish, I didn’t get in to my firm choice and I withdrew from my insurance so that I could enter into clearing faster to get to the pub. I would have studied anything, but it had to be in Leeds. I applied for university when I my boyfriend at the time was at university in Leeds studying mechanical engineering. We were blissfully happy, until he got to university and started seeing his housemate behind my back. By the time I found out, I’d applied for university – I’d explored the city and made friends with people going there. I ended up dropping out of my clearing option, not surprisingly and changed university the year after. A much better decision for me, but I still didn’t apply myself enough. I wish I had listened more, gone to more workshops and been a little bit more studious.
17th June 2016 is the day my life changed forever – RLT was born! I’m sure pretty much everyone else who has taken part in this has used the birth date of their child for this one!
I won’t re-write his birth story, because it is here! You can read my RLT is here story which I published around about a year ago!