Living Arrows 17/52

Living Arrows

I am taking part in Donna from What the Redhead Said‘s Living Arrows – which is a celebration of childhood!

We could all do with a little more celebration in our lives!

To quote Donna, “The project originally took it’s name from a poem by Kahlil Gibran, “You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth” and every Monday we share a moment from our week and invite others to do the same as part of this linky.”





Week 17/52 Living Arrows


He’s been crawling for two weeks now and is getting mighty ambitious trying to stand at every opportunity, so thought the time was right for some Clark’s shoes this week! Thankfully this has seen a reduction in how many times a day he can pull his socks off! 

I have so many individual socks that I’m convinced that someone must be eating them or the birds are stealing them from the line to make nests! I must buy them every week, yet struggle to find a pair!

I took this picture as we were sat playing and thought it was lovely as RLT looks deep in thought… but look at the sock! Everytime I look at him his socks seem to be half on and half off!