Living Arrows 29/52

Living Arrows

I am taking part in Donna from What the Redhead Said‘s Living Arrows – which is a celebration of childhood!

We could all do with a little more celebration in our lives!

To quote Donna, “The project originally took it’s name from a poem by Kahlil Gibran, “You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth” and every Monday we share a moment from our week and invite others to do the same as part of this linky.”





Week 29/52 Living Arrows

We’re on holiday!

This week we are in Spain! Currently staying in an Iberostar resort, which I can’t praise enough for being family friendly. 

I haven’t got many images to chose from this week as I haven’t had my phone out much! It’s my birthday next Saturday, so I got my present early, which was an waterproof camera, so all pics are on that! I’ll be sure to use one next week 😀

Here is a pic of me and little man on the balcony. He’s wearing his football shirt in honour of little Bradley Lowery, as many people did in our local area on the day of his funeral. My partner had interviewed Bradley and his family many times in the past, so they have been in our thoughts a lot recently.