Sometimes we have to create space to spend time with our children. It is typically the case that everyone in the house is busy working, in school, or taking care of a lot of other things. So when it comes to spending time with the children, taking up hobbies together can build both of your skill sets, give you some quality time and the best thing about it is that people who have hobbies are typically happier too. 


Not only is swimming good for you, but it is a life skill too. There are many health benefits that we could talk about, but splashing around in water is so much fun! My little ones love swimming and the eldest is at the stage now where he would really benefit from us starting him at swim classes. This will help him with his confidence in the pool, as well as give him a head start when it comes to lessons in school because I know this was something I dreaded!


kalma hub playgroup children sitting drawingPuzzles

Most of the time, small children will have a range of wooden puzzles and small jigsaws with large pieces to help them with their motor skills and spatial awareness. As they grow up, you can keep that interest nurtured by having a family board game night. Start with more simple puzzles and jigsaws, and eventually move on to those huge table-filling sized jigsaws or even the 3D ones. Depending on the complexity of the puzzles, they can last over a few weeks too. You could have any board game of your preference here though. 


Writing is one of the best creative outlets and stress relievers. So encouraging your children to get into writing can give them that tool very early on. But to make it an activity that you can all take part in, you might need to think a little outside the box. Creating a family journal or scrap-book will give everyone the chance to get creative with their pages. Family members can add photos, drawings, receipts, ideas, and so much more. At the end of the year, you can look back over the collection of everyone’s pages. It is also a great space to create a yearly bucket list and see what you can tick off. 


You don’t really need a garden to be able to grow things with the kids. There are many seed packets that are reasonably priced and often have a really good yield too. Sweet peas grow very easily, and succulents are great for learning how some plants can develop roots when removed from the main plant. Tomatoes can be started off very easily in a small pot and transferred to the garden at a later date if that is what you want to do. Lettuce grows quick, and so does cress, which makes them great options too. 

Spending time with the children doesn’t have to be expensive, and most of the time they are happy to watch a movie and relax with you, But sometimes increasing everyone’s skill levels and learning together is a lot more fun.