Living Arrows Week 1/52 {2020}

I am taking part in Donna from What the Redhead Said’s Living Arrows – which is a celebration of childhood!

We could all do with a little more celebration in our lives!

To quote Donna, “The project originally took its name from a poem by Kahlil Gibran,

“You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth” and every Monday we share a moment (or a few!) from our week which captures a moment of childhood

Week 1

Hello everybody! It has been a while since my last post, week 14 of 2018 in fact.

Since my last post, we’ve added little E to the family, I’ve finished my maternity leave and have gone back to work three days per week in a different role but same company. I’ve struggled mentally worrying about the boys, giving up my career, losing my identity and struggled massively with anxiety – which bizarrely seems to have majorly reduced since I stopped breastfeeding when E was 13.5 months old.

I have missed this community so much and also missed looking back on my updates so that I am determined to attempt to get back involved.

This week the three-year-old has come back down to earth with a bump. He was so brilliant at Christmas and is very upset at the thought of going back to his nursery and our neighbours taking their Christmas lights down. However, his little brother started nursery and he was elated about that but come pick up time he was so eager to see his brother and gave him the biggest hug when he saw him… then never left his side for the rest of the evening.

It was very sweet. I was so anxious about taking the little one to nursery and leaving him on his own for the first time, but he took it in his stride. No tears, he simply waved goodbye and toddled off to play. He was only supposed to be going for a few hours, but he ended up staying the entire day as he was very content every time I rang for an update. He’s been sleeping 11pm-5/6am since, which is absolutely unheard of for him! 2020 is starting very well for us and I hope it is the same for you!


Living Arrows