Baby Yoga Review

Baby Yoga Review

At six months old, RLT has done three terms of baby yoga! Not bad, ey? Not your every day baby activity, so here is our review!

Firstly, baby yoga classes in the UK, are nothing like the extreme videos that you may have been of a woman in Egypt throwing babies around! OMG, I couldn’t believe it when I watched the video – how on earth can parents let this woman do this to their children? The poor babies are crying their eyes out too! The video is below, but watch with your hands over your eyes if you are a parent!

So the baby yoga we attended was (thankfully) nothing like the above! Baby yoga in the UK, according to Mamababybliss ‘builds on your baby’s physical and mental developmental milestones and will aid your baby’s brain development and your baby’s sense of co-ordination, balance and sensory and motor skills.’

I didn’t particularly fancy the baby massage course, as I had already had some experience of this from the health visitor and RLT didn’t seem to be a fan, so we opted for the next class, which was baby yoga – ran by the Mamababybliss practitioner in our area, Angela.

The sessions consist of gentle stretches and breathing exercises for mum to ease you into the sessions and then baby’s turn! The five week programmes are geared around babies from newborn stages to crawling, as there are three different stages. Newborn stage is mostly matt based, with some jumping! The songs that accompany the moves are relatively well known such as ‘Daisy, Daisy’ and ‘The Grand Old Duke of York’ as well as some others I’d never heard of such as Jumping Bean and Mr Sun (which my niece reliably informed me is on Barney the Dinosaur’ durrr).

baby yoga

RLT at the end of his second term of baby yoga

Angela was extremely knowledgeable, welcoming and great with the babies. If your baby was upset, needed feeding etc nothing was a problem. Most of the mums in the class were an already formed friendship group, who had already studied it once before, so my stupid thoughts of making new friends were soon out of the window. When the exercises are complete there is playtime where drinks and snacks for mums are on offer, to give everyone time to talk and the babies to play. As my class had an already formed friendship group, I felt a little bit out of place at the end, so just chatted to Angela or the one other lady who didn’t know the rest of the group. I don’t think the other lady minded the lack of chat as much as I did, I just felt very much like an outsider.

When the term ended and it was time to move up a class, I opted to do the first class again – for two reasons really, one being I knew some mums who would be doing the class so it would be more of an enjoyable experience for me and two, the next session would require the babies to be sitting up a bit more and as RLT bypassed massage he started early, so wasn’t ready for this! He started baby yoga when he was about 12 weeks old, when I think they’re usually a bit older, so at 17 weeks, he wasn’t strong enough to be sitting all of the time in the next class.

We did another five weeks, which I felt a lot more comfortable with as there were two other mums I knew. As RLT had five weeks experience on the babies, it was easy to see how much stronger he was as a consequence – as many of the babies were older than him too, this was interesting to see the difference the yoga had made to his movement. As soon as we put the babies on their feet, he knew it was time for jumping bean (you gently bounce your babies on their feet while singing a song about them being a jumping bean). It was very funny, but also great that he had such a good recollection – but by god my arms hurt by the end of it if there was a full class.

baby yoga

RLT at the end of term three of baby yoga

One of the mums I knew didn’t join us at the advanced class as she was going back to work, but the next stage taught great new movements based on the babies being stronger and being able to sit up a little bit more. Some of the songs and moves were the same but there were developments on how the babies moved and responded – they werent laid on the yoga mats this time, they were sat up, moving around on us, being upside down and still being jumping beans of course! It is lovely to see the babies recognise the songs and know what is coming next. There was a lot of ball and mirror work too in this stage.

I don’t think the PHD stage is available in our area yet, but I think I will definitely do the advanced course again rather than not do it at all. I would definitely recommend baby yoga to anyone with a baby. I was so glad to have found it as there is very little in my area other than what they offer at the Children’s Centres and I don’t find them suitable to my needs most of the time.

Note to self – me six months ago

Note to self – me six months ago

Note to self – to me six months ago, knowing what I know now.

I’ve decided to write a post to myself six months ago, to get down the things I’ve learned and to encapsulate what a journey the past six months have been!

Hi Crabstix

So your little boy is due about now, these are the things you will never believe about the next six months:

  1. You will be happier than you have ever been and laugh more than you have ever laughed.
  2. You won’t be as anxious, as you are not at work.
  3. To date, you have not had notice of redundancy, which you feared.
  4. You appear to still have a job to go back to.
  5. You will ask for more time off as your maternity leave has gone too fast despite your concern about changing your job, because baby is more important.
  6. You will be as bad at housework as you’ve ever been.
  7. The cat hasn’t moved out.
  8. The baby is happy and healthy.
  9. He is an incredibly happy, smiley baby.
  10. You will not be phased by the magnitude of the task of parenting.
  11. Mark will continue to breathe loudly in your ear when trying to sleep.
  12. You are actually surviving on maternity pay.
  13. You actually like to shop in next for baby clothes.
  14. You like your baby to be in rompersuits – he may start looking like George Dawes soon if you don’t let him wear clothes.
  15. You will continually get annoyed at little comments people make and them trying to fix the agenda – just ignore them and enjoy maternity leave.
  16. You won’t make a batch of mum friends and meet up in Starbucks for chats.
  17. Mark will get offered a job opportunity, which will make work/life balance that little bit harder.
  18. You will have spent almost 30 grand on house and baby within that time (GULP).
  19. You will go out with sick on your top because you don’t even know it is there.
  20. You will continue to hate the smell of bananas and popcorn, despite no longer being pregnant.
  21. Don’t got to B&Q on bank holiday weekend in August – some idiot will crash in to your car and you’ll be in agony with your back and shoulder – but don’t panic, baby is not hurt but at that point you will know what is like to be a worried parent.
  22. You need to get a plumber in before you get new carpets as the idiots you’ve bought the house of have neglected to tell you that the radiators in the kitchen or dining room don’t work due to a pipe issue which will involve a lot of floor board ripping up and holes in walls – you don’t want to find this out the week before Christmas with a six month old baby and 10 people to feed on Christmas Day.

note to self six months ago me and rlt

What to buy a six month old for Christmas

What to buy a six month old for Christmas

What do you buy a six month old for Christmas?  If someone asked them what you actually wanted for Christmas, it would probably be to FINALLY get that dummy in your own mouth, or your foot!

Having a June baby is great as you can split the wants and needs in six monthly intervals! So Christmas 2016, RLT will be six months and one week old, therefore we’re looking at what he needs/would like aged 6-12 months, until his birthday!

Here are a few things that we’ve put on his list!

  1. Fisher Price Dance and Move Beatbo – Ok this one may be for me as much as RLT. I think it is the greatest toy on the market! We love the Beatbo boogie, as do my two year old nephew and five year old niece!
  2. Fisher Price Laugh and Learn smart stages chair – this one probably could have waited until his birthday, as it is 12 months plus, but it was on the 3 for 2 offer at Argos, so couldn’t resist!
  3. Fisher Price Laugh and Learn Smart Stages Car – This should keep him going for a while as it is suitable from 6 months until 18th months with the various stages. My two year old nephew has already had a go and he is a big fan too! So it even keeps the visitors happy!
  4. Fisher Price Rockin’ Tunes Giraffe – this just looked cute and most of RLT’s toys are the Fisher Price rainforest animals, so decided to keep it going!
  5. SmartTrike – As he will be 10 months old as the better weather as here, a smart trike was the ideal choice!

Extra things I’ve managed to get him that weren’t even on the list!

  1. Fisher Price Musical Lion Baby Walker – I managed to get this for £17.50, so it is a nice little extra present!
  2. Amazon pampers monthly subscription – cheers mum!

Something that we wanted to get #rlt, which we can’t find anywhere is an Elmo toy! He loves watching Elmo, as do his cousins and I bought them rock n roll elmo’s etc when they were young, but unfortunately I can’t find anything on sale! So he’s going to have to make do with the Elmo he already has from H&M.


RLT and his beloved Elmo from h&m

Kielder Review

Kielder Review

We chose Kielder as the destination for a winter break and the first holiday for RLT at aged five and a half months. Kielder Waterside is a development within Kielder Water and Forest and within the Leaplish Forest Park, which is also where the Winter Wonderland is based.


We opted to go for 4 nights Monday – Friday as my OH is starting a new job on 5th December, so he wanted some downtime before he started. We couldn’t quite fathom out formula, nappies and baggage allowances to travel abroad with a baby, so when my friend Nikki, mentioned that she was looking for a winter break in the UK and we should come along, we jumped at the chance.

We opted for the Otterstone Superior lodge which was lovely and incredibly homely. The added touch of the Christmas tree added to the atmosphere. The lodge was very well equipt and the bed, furniture and fixtures were all extremely high quality, we were extremely impressed.


RLT chilling by the Christmas tree in living area

The swimming pool was small but ample for our requirements, the changing rooms seemed to be brand new. The coffee shop and bar restaurant were all decorated to an extremely high standard too. The food was also very good and I didn’t feel over priced for the quality considering they had a captive audience. The draft ale was Wylam too, which is a very well respected brewery in the North East – little touches like that go a long way.


Kitchen of Otterstone Superior Lodge

The lodge had a hot tub, I’d never been in one! A man came every day to check the levels etc, it was extremely well maintained. He advised it had been drained and fresh water added for our visit – as you never know who and what has gone on in those things! I went in once for around 20 minutes, the lodges are pretty close together so if you’re thinking of a break with friends for hot tub parties, I don’t think this is the place for you. It’s more for families to enjoy, in my opinion.

The bath was also a jacuzzi one, basically, everything to do with water was an optimum experience, which is no surprise given that the lodges are owned and operated by Northumbrian Water, who own Kielder Reservoir. EVEN THE TAP WATER TASTED AMAZING.

We didn’t set out to do anything but go on a few walks and relax, so when we saw the Winter Wonderland stuff, we felt obligated to participate for the two-year-old that was with us, thankfully it was only a weekend thing so the park was pretty empty. Things seemed to close on 30th November, half way through our stay such as Kielder Castle etc, but we still managed to do the Stickman Trail and we were fairly laid back about what to see and do anyway, so we didn’t mind.

lakeside way kielder

Winter Wonderland was closed but you could still access the lakeside way for walks, which was ideal with a baby.

Even out of season, this place is pretty great. We picked a good place to go on our first holiday with our baby. The lodge was like a home away from home. They even provided a high chair (which was brand new with the tags on) and a travel cot. We got it for a rate cheaper than advertised on the website due to the time of year, but at full cost and compared to what you’d pay at Centre Parcs, I’d 100% recommend this place for families to consider. We had a lovely time.

Things to look out for…. Northumbrian Water seem to use Hoseasons for their bookings… We were looking for a Hoseasons logo on site, so thought we’d taken a wrong turn. So if you see signs for Leaplish, just keep driving!

rlt and me in kielder



I started to think that if RLT looked through images of his childhood, that there would be very few of us together. Therefore, I have had to request that my OH capture some moments when we’re together.

Looking after a baby on your own for most of the day means that you get a phone gallery full of selfies with the baby or pictures of other people and the baby!

rlt selfie

As you can see, our selfie attempts certainly are interesting, but I want the lovely candid shots capturing the moments I want to remember, not the moments where once again poor babs has me sticking a phone in his face!

I mentioned this to my other half as I was getting pictures printed through Boots Photo Service (thanks to their fab discount vouchers through the Boots Parenting Club and did not have one of me and RLT but thousands of him with everyone else!

My other half has an eye for composition, he is a brilliant photographer thanks to his training as a film-maker, but these skills sadly are under-utilised. He always tells me that it is important to capture the light in the subjects’ eyes, which apparently is something I constantly fail to do!

Family selfie attempt – oh dear. More work needed there!

Finally, on week 22 of RLT being in the world, my request for a pic to be taken of me and babs was met with a positive response and being the great photographer my other half is, got something that I was extremely happy with. I hope it is the first of many moments captured of me and my little man. OK, my roots are terrible… so it has been changed to black and white! But looking back now RLT will know I was there when he was a baby, rather than looking at these pics of him with everyone else and thinking he was raised by a tribe!

capture the moment - me and rlt

RLT and me!